Thailand Doi Saket Honey
CUPPING NOTES // A very pleasant and drinkable coffee with notes of sweet toffee, and melon marmalade.
ALTITUDE // 1,300 - 1,500 masl
WHY WE LOVE THIS COFFEE // This is our fifth year getting this coffee from this farm. It is a crowd favorite. Not typically known for specialty coffee, but there's been a shift in recent years towards specialty production. This has been driven in large part by a growing local specialty coffee scene and a new generation of young, innovative farmers taking the reins (the average age is 25-35 - Much younger than elsewhere in the world). Doi Saket is the oldest coffee growing area in Thailand, located in Chiang Mai province. The region grows coffee from 1000-1500 MASL. So, Thai specialty coffee is rare. Thai Typica is super rare. Making the most of this requires meticulous processing. First, the ripe cherries were in the morning and processing began right away to avoid unwanted fermentation. Only hand sorted coffee cherries made it through to the processing stage to ensure that only fully ripe ones made it through. After that, the cherries were sampled to make sure that their Brix values are above 20. After hand sorted and sampling, the cherries were floated to remove any defective coffee beans. The cherries were then laid on raised beds in a single layer and minimize the cherries touching each other to ensure even moisture and lack of unwanted fermentation. They were then dried the coffee in a green house in a controlled environment for three weeks carefully monitored each day.